Captain Tim July Reading List

I hope your summer is going well and you getting a lot of time on the water! Here’s some interesting and informative articles that I’ve come across this month. One of the greatest challenges for new sailors is understanding point of sail and regardless of experience, knowing what the wind is doing is a critical skill.…

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Boater Training

In addition to the great training provided through US Sailing and Power Boating classes on the water there are a lot of resources on the web. Some are better than others so a little skepticism is always good. Here are a few articles that I’ve read lately that I thought were interesting and provided a different…

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Boat Safety Tips

Nothing beats enjoying a whole day on the water with your friends and relatives.  Just remember to keep safety at the top of the priority list.  Check out these crucial boating safety guidelines, which include everything from essential safety gear to how to securely handle a boat:  Have boat safety gear at hand. There is…

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