$249/OB - $550/YB
OB = Our Boat | YB = Your boat
Module 2 (3hrs)
(Watch Video for Details)
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How to Book this Course:
Choose a Public class on our boat, or a Private class on your boat.
Public on-water training on our boat requires a minimum of 3 participants. SaferBoater will arrange an alternative schedule if that minimum has not been met.
Private on-water training takes place on your personal boat for up to 4 participants (10yrs & over). One participant will be registered for the entire group.

NSBC-Module 2
This second skill-builder course focuses on Precision Docking & Boat Handling. You will master the basic handling requirements for common situations on the water, such as dock departure, turning the boat around 180 degrees and docking approaches.
On the Water Session
- Departing from dock
- 180-Degree Turnarounds
- Docking on Port & Starboard
- Using S.C.A.N. procedures
- and more...
You will also learn to S.C.A.N. the area, recognize potential hazards and situations, and how to handle each one.
By learning the skills necessary to expertly launch, handle and dock your boat, you will make the water a safer place for yourself, your passengers and other boaters.
Prerequisites: No experience necessary!
Recommended Age: 10 - Adult
Certifications Information:
This skill builder course is Module 2 of a 4-Module study. Completing all modules, along with this online curriculum and test, qualifies you for a Boater Education Certification Card that is valid to rent and operate boats in all 50 States.

NSBC Courses